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HIS304 The European Century, 1800-1914 : Websites

Evaluating Internet Sources

Relevance How old is the website or page? 

·      Can you tell when the page was posted to the web?
·      Has the content been updated?

 Reliability How accurate is the information?

·      Have the pages been edited?
·      Is there a bibliography?
·      Do the links work?


Google Web Search

Google Web Search


Discovering Literature: Romantics and Victorians -- The British Library -- Discover 1,200 Romantic and Victorian literary treasures.

EuroDocs: History of the United Kingdom – Primary Documents – Brigham Young University – These links connect to Western European historical documents and shed light on key events. The sources about the United Kingdom cover various chronological periods, including 1816 to 1918.

Internet Modern History Sourcebook – Offers a collection of primary documents.

The Marx/Engels Internet Archive – Offers an extensive collection of writings from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Monuments and Dust: The Culture of Victorian London – University of Virginia – Offers a visual, textual, and statistical representation of Victorian London. The site includes extracts from Victorian editions of The Times and information on various cultural issues of the time.

The Victorian Web – Brown University – Contains material about Victorian era sub-topics, including Political, Social, Gender, Philosophy, Religion, Science/Technology, and Entertainment.