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English 410: Exit West: Refugees & Migrants

Definitions: Refugees and Migrants

"Although often used interchangeably by the general public, there are crucial distinctions between the terms "refugee" and "migrant":

Refugees are persons who are outside their country of origin for reasons of feared persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public order and, as a result, require international protection.  The refugee definition can be found in the 1951 Convention and regional refugee instruments, as well as UNHCR’s Statute.  

--United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

While there is no formal legal definition of an international migrant, most experts agree that an international migrant is someone who changes his or her country of usual residence, irrespective of the reason for migration or legal status.  Generally, a distinction is made between short-term or termporary migration, covering movements with a duration between three and 12 months, and long-term or permanent migration, referring to a change of country of residence for a duration of one year or more.

--United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

definitions from:  United Nations:  Refugees and Migrants

Refugee Stories on Film

The UN Refugee Agency's (UNHCR)global trends in forced displacement, 2018.