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Psychology : Finding Psychology Journals

A library research guide for students of Introduction to Psychology and Social Psychology.

  Databases for Locating Psychology Journals


PsycARTICLES – More than 70 full-text psychology journals published by the American Psychology Association.

Academic Search Premier – More than 4500 magazines and scholarly journals.  NOTE: Limit your search to "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" and possibly "Full Text".

JSTOR – More than 10 full-text psychology journals.  NOTE:  Scroll down and select Psychology from the list of available disciplines to limit your search to just psychology journals.

PMC - The U.S. National Library of Medicine's free full-text archive of biomedical and life-sciences journal literature.

Google Scholar Search

When searching Google Scholar, make sure you choose journal articles, not books or other papers.  Most often you will find the abstracts of articles, rather than the full text.

Google Scholar Search