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HIS200 The World in the 20th Century: Books

Search the Catalog


Catalog Search Tips

1. When first searching use a broad KEYWORD. Make sure to use the most recent scholarship by sorting the results by date.

2. Once you've found an item that looks promising, take a look at the subject headings assigned to it (they are blue and underlined). When you click on the link, it will take you to a list of every book in the Library with that same subject heading. This is a good way to narrow your search results.

Book Search Example

1. To get the best results when searching for books in the library choose the BOOKS search tab to limit your search to print and e-books only.

2. To find a print book listed in your search results, note the floor location and be sure to use the entire call number to find it on the shelf.

3.  For ebooks just simply click on the link to begin reading this book in full-text online.